Craig Perrin — Be Great LLC

Craig Perrin

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A training-industry veteran, Craig has led development of 100+ learning solutions in leadership, sales management, sales, and service for Zenger Miller, Kaset, AchieveGlobal, Miller Heiman Group, Forum, and AchieveForum. 

Craig’s recent client work includes:

  • Dozens of Fortune 500 companies
  • Hundreds of smaller companies in every global region

Craig’s lean writing style engages readers in books, classroom materials, videos, application tools, digital learning, position papers, research reports, and social media. He produces and directs video, facilitates training, speaks at conferences, and hosts webinars.

Himself a seasoned leader, Craig is a recognized expert in adult learning and leadership development. His accolades include “Editor of the Year” (Times Mirror), “Silver Medal” (NY Film Festivals), and “Crystal Award” for portrayal of diversity in the workplace (Screen Actors’ Guild).

After earning a B.A. and M.A. at San Francisco State University, Craig developed and taught over 50 college courses in five disciplines. He also served as Curator of Exhibits with the California Historical Society.