A fine line separates efficient frontline management from micromanagement—a line that is hard to see and easy to cross. To avoid the micromanagement that many in today’s workforce find so objectionable, BE GREAT LLC’s has created a new frontline manager and team leader training program, Leading with Autonomy, that in part develops manager’s understand of what Micromanagement is, how and why it happens, and how to recognize and resist the triggers that can lure them into this unproductive practice.
A fine line separates efficient frontline management from micromanagement—a line that is hard to see and easy to cross. To avoid the micromanagement that many in today’s workforce find so objectionable, BE GREAT LLC’s has created a new frontline manager and team leader training program, Leading with Autonomy, that in part develops manager’s understand of what Micromanagement is, how and why it happens, and how to recognize and resist the triggers that can lure them into this unproductive practice.