Curriculum Blueprint


A Curriculum Blueprint is a long-term training plan which ensures that training priorities are driven by business objectives.


  • Build training and development solutions based on business requirements.

  • Ensure alignment between competencies/identified needs and training/development solutions.

  • Align priorities in terms of course sequencing.

  • Get buy-in of key corporate stakeholders for the long-term direction of training initiatives. 

Case Study

When a top tier pharmaceutical company had to rapidly grow its sales, solutions engineering and implementation teams to meet escalating customer demand, we developed role-based leadership and management development learning paths and an overarching curriculum blueprint. By applying design thinking principles of rapid prototyping of role-based task models, iterative analysis/validation via SME/stakeholder “empathy interviews” we identified organizational and role-based skill gaps. For each priority gap, the blueprint addressed: (a) business impact, (b) high level learning objectives, (c) course level, (d) timing, (e) target audience, (f) existing training that can be leveraged, and (d) delivery options. 


  • Conduct relevant secondary research (such as business market research, and review of senior management goals).

  • Review existing training courses (e.g., content and collateral materials).

  • Conduct interviews with senior management and members of the target population as needed to understand strategic direction and business context of training needs.

  • Interview members of training staff to learn about currently available training and development resources.

  • Compare competency model content/needs analysis data to current training program offerings to create a matrix that identifies:

                Courses that are on-target

                Courses that are needed but not delivered effectively

                Gaps in the current curriculum based on identified competencies

                Elimination of courses that don't meet an identified need          

  • Conduct benchmark of key competitors or exemplary organizations' curriculum, as needed, to provide benchmark data and models

  • Redesign the existing curriculum based on client approval, which includes:

                A matrix identifying all courses and their relationship to needed competencies

                Identification of learning tracks and course sequencing

                Course descriptions that cross-reference related study areas

  • Recommendations for addressing training gaps, including course objectives, delivery methods (such as classroom, e-learning, job aids, etc.) and content overviews