Coaching Training Needs Analysis
- Identification and definition of key coaching method(s) that boost the effectiveness of individual managers and leaders
- Assessment of the willingness and ability of your target population to execute key coaching method(s)
- Recommendations for how to build on organizational coaching strengths and bridge gaps in skill levels
- To identify critical aspects of your work environment that impact overall performance, including:
- Key management and leadership challenges faced by the target population of managers and leaders
- Characteristics of the real-life operational environment
- Learning styles and needs of the target audience
- Delivery methods that work best for the target audience
- Key newly established or ongoing initiatives that can be leveraged
- To identify the critical coaching competencies and behaviors:
- That top performers know and do
- That become the basis for the custom assessment
- To begin with the end in mind:
- Identification of the desired behavioral outcomes that coaching skills training for management and leadership must deliver
- Rapid diagnostic research that uses multiple data sources to identify your priority coaching development needs. Sources include:
- Stakeholder and subject-matter expert interviews (45 to 60 minutes for a one-on-one interview, 2 to 3 hours for a group session)
- Internal documents (i.e., strategy statements, job descriptions, employee engagement and customer satisfaction research, training evaluations, etc.)
- Client review and approval of our conclusions and recommendations
- 360-degree feedback based on coaching competencies, which includes:
- A streamlined online process
- Identification of individual and organizational coaching and development needs
- Graphic, user-friendly reports
- Customized and focused design that will drive development and will:
- Reflect your work environment and real-life challenges
- Focus on high priority development needs
- Focus on behaviors that produce success in your work environment
- Define training based on the preferred learning style of your target population